

Brown trout & grayling - France

General information

France has many rivers in which you can fish salmonids, especially common graylings and beautiful brown trouts « tripped markings », a unique wild species in the world. These rivers are often located within beautiful natural scenery. First category rivers open from start of the fishing season (mid-March) to the end of the season (mid-September). We can suggest different options to let you discover the beautiful rivers of Franche-Comté, Doubs and Ain. With our guiding and assistance, you will fully enjoy the different fishing tours and you will get to improve your fishing techniques: dry flies, wet flies, streamer, sight fishing with a nymph, Czech nymphing.

Every year when season starts out, fly fishermen feel the same impatience. March and April are crucial months since fish are not yet « educated » to being caught and often swim right under the surface trying to grab the first ephemera (Rhithrogena Haarupi "March Brown" and Baetis Rhodani). If fishing conditions allow it, it is a good time to discover the Lower Ain River and the Doubs River.
Brown trout «stripped markings» on the Ain River

In April, there are very good opportunities on the Loue River, such as brachys and small grey caddis’ hatches. From May onwards, fishing can be practiced on all rivers according to weather and water conditions. May and June are the best period to fly fish, as they are particularly rich in hatches, fallings and concentrations of all sorts of insects : May flies and gammarus (gathered by the rivers’ edges), among others, trigger off an intense activity among fish. You might very well cast your fly to a trophy fish in May or June.

Rivers’ activity usually declines in July and August because of high temperatures and low water levels. You should take profit of that period to improve your fishing skills using the smallest flies.

From late August and early September, ants and ignita « red spents » fall info the rater: every single fish in the river seems to be chasing for fond at that time ! As soon as temperatures drop off, the first fall hatches occur, and make no mistake, you don’t want to miss that moment! Fishing season is about to be closed…

Video - catch & release brown trout «stripped markings» of 56 cm on the river Ain